Use our in-house educational materials to learn more about how you can be a better ally to the AAPI+ community in the face of increased anti-Asian Xenophobia. These materials come in the form of PDFs, so feel free to print them and share them with your friends if you’re interested in doing so! If you have a request for another educational material, please DM us on Instagram @inclusivityhk, and we’ll do our best to accomodate your request!


These eye-catching and educational posters hand-drawn by our creative team (Diya Aswani/Erin Fung) are meant to act as pieces of eye-catching signage to prompt responses and attention from passers-by. These posters are free to download, so feel free to put them up in your home, office, or school once printed.

Note: The information listed on the “Xenophobia Hotline” poster is only applicable to residents of New York State, as New York is the only state with a dedicated anti-xenophobia hotline at the moment.


We’ve started a series of panel-style discussions with activists from the AAPI community to discuss the rising tide of anti-Asian xenophobia, how we can act as allies, and how we as a collective community can work to tackle its growth. We hope this series acts as an accelerant to having much-needed conversations about sinophobia and all kinds of discrimination in general.